Best Local Community Marketing
​Brand collaborations can produce amazing benefits to both parties, including long after the partnership activity ends. Successful partnerships share similar brand values, use a creative approach unique to the collaboration and achieve an amplified level of reach to consumers and potentially influencers. Often unique propositions are developed, which produce not just marketing impact, but significant revenue increases, especially versus the amount invested.
Entries may be for a specific segment for instance; weddings, conferences and meetings, spa and wellness, golf, food & beverage, etc or be seasonal like Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Easter or be intended to have a broader impact on the business.
​What Judges will be looking for
This category aims to recognise successful collaborative marketing efforts of brands with shared values, emphasing creativity, measurable outcomes, and mutual tangible benefits for all partners involved.
​​​​​​​​​What is marketing best practice?
There are specific criteria for each award category, but in addition every entry will be judged on the following:
Relevance to target market / audience and the specific market in which you operate.
Creativity that makes you stand out from your competitors.
A strategy that has been clearly thought through and developed.
Objectives that are quantifiable, meaningful and measurable. Think SMART.
A budget that is cleverly used and generates a good ROI.
Use of the most relevant Marketing channels.
Innovative ideas.
Good ethical practice.
Authenticity, not gimmicks!
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